Monday, June 11, 2012

Chemotherapy :(

Up until I started I had a pretty brave attitude towards the Chemo. That all washed away on day 2. My body feels like it has been through the ringer and back in just 4 short days, plus I have to repeat this for 5 more weeks?!

The chemo makes me tired and very nauseous. I can't even look at my phone or computer screen without wanting to hurl. Not a feeling I like very much. I wanted so bad to update everyone and tell them how much easier it was than expected, but that just wasn't the way this was planned.

Fortunately for me I have an amazing family who is willing to make me as comfortable as possible during all of this. So even though I am on pain/nausea meds through all of this, they do that little extra to help ease me in.

I had Chemo on Thursday and most of the day I was fine. When I left I felt a little weak but nothing I couldn't handle. Then Friday hit and that was probably the worst of it. They say to drink as much liquid as possible but I throw up every time I try and down some. IMPOSSIBLE!! I slept most of the day away on Friday and then Friday night hit with the anxiety. I am exhausted but so antsy I can't hardly stay still.

Then Saturday. In hind sight I was on the rise but I didn't know it at the time. I had to pee every hour but was so tired it was all I could do to get up and walk to the bathroom. Also I was still so weak. My head feels like it's 50 pounds! As of Saturday I truly thought I wasn't going to make it. I prayed that the lord take away the pain and exhaustion.

When I woke up on Sunday, I felt like a new person! I was able to eat and drink without wanting to throw up every ten seconds. I could actually see the light at the end of the Chemo tunnel. I am still tired and a little antsy but nothing like I was on Friday or Saturday.



  1. my dad went through the same thing, it sucks but your strong enough to get through this.

  2. YOU CAN DO THIS! I am so sorry you have to go through this. Love you.
