Friday, May 25, 2012

Good News!

My doctor just called and informed me that officially the cancer has not spread!!!! It was looking that way, but with me, it is best to be sure!

Plus, because I have not experienced any hot flashes, she is confident my surgery was a success :D I mean technically we still won't know until radiation is through, but the odds are in my favor!

I am going to be posting the whole story of how this all began. But I should warn you, the information is a little graphic and personal. If you don't want the over share, don't read it! I also would like to add that I am extremely open about everything going on, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask! This whole thing has been very confusing for me and I am sure for everyone around me. I find it is much easier to deal with, by being open and honest!

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