Monday, August 27, 2012

I woke up this morning with a little bit of a fever. Also I have been in a lot of pain this week and have had some other things not normal so I called the doctor just to be sure first thing this morning. They suggested I come in even if it is nothing, better to be safe than sorry. My doctor was off today so I met Dr. Beth and she did my exam. I really liked her (like I said, I have gotten super lucky with my medical team). She was very careful and precise. She said it doesn't seem like anything is wrong with the tumor, however, my stomach is extremely tender so she ordered a CT scan. I hate these. The gross smoothie you need to drink first, the lying on a bed being told when to breathe and when to hold your breath, the contrast dye (which I am allergic to by the way) that makes you feel like you are peeing your pants, etc. So I am already anxious when I call to schedule it and the receptionist was a total brat. She was asking me what doctor ordered it because she has never met a Dr. Beth (and apparently she knows every doctor in the world), why she needed me to have it done, why it was focused on my pelvic area, and then proceeded to tell me that I need insurance approval that takes 5-7 days minimum. I understand that last part to a certain degree but her attitude was unpleasant and I did not need to get insurance approval the first time. Which is extra frustrating because they have cancelled my insurance now!!

Long story short is hopefully I am ok but I won't know for sure for at least 5-7 days MINIMUM!

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