Friday, August 17, 2012

Decision made.

I am stopping treatment and having a hysterectomy in about 6 weeks. Which also means I will not be able to go back to Arizona as soon as I hoped. As of right now, my surgery is planned for October 8th. I will not be able to move much for at least a week after surgery, but I am hoping to be home in AZ by my birthday (Halloween for those of you that don't know)!

The pros and cons were a lot to think about, however she did say I can keep my ovaries even with the surgery. So if I don't go through menopause my eggs will be usable :)

She said that normally she does not even offer a hysterectomy to her patients because they are unnecessary when going the Chemo and Radiation route but because of my age she gave me the option. There is still a lot of risk with having the surgery such as bladder problems, colon problems, excessive bleeding, and she said people who have had radiation tend to take twice as long to fully heal. So on average it takes a week to be up and walking but for me it will be a week to two weeks and it takes about 3 months to fully recover but for me it may take 5 or 6 months. I won't be able to lift things or do any strenuous activity for 5 to 6 months!

The appealing part to me was the fact that it will be taken out. They were going to leave the tumor in there forever, it would be cancer free, but it would still be in there! That I never liked the idea of. She said even having the hysterectomy my cancer could come back but for me it is peace of mind having the tumor out. Also she said my tumor is half the size it was. For me that isn't good enough. I only had 2 more treatments left. She said the radiation works for about 2 months after but that still didn't make me feel too confident it would be gone.

All in all I feel it is the right decision for me.

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