Sunday, November 4, 2012

Well I have not updated everyone on what happened following my surgery.

I went in for my post op follow up appointment on October 18. I had thrown up the whole night before but thought it was unrelated. I had also had some pain in my pelvis which I just assumed were the stitches inside me. She said they got all the cancer out and even grabbed some surrounding tissue and it came back clean! Yay!! Cancer free, Cancer free!!! However, she suspected I had an infection near the suture site inside so she admitted me straight into the hospital. She wanted a CT scan to see where exactly it was and how bad, plus they started me on IV antibiotics right away. Sounds simple enough, wrong. I am allergic to the IV contrast so hospital regulation is 12 hours of prep including benedryl and prednisone (which is one of the most disgusting pills you will ever taste!). Also you are not allowed to eat within 8 hours of getting your scan, so it made the pills taste that much worse. I was exhausted and nauseous still by the time I was able to get the CT scan done, which was 3 a.m. by the way! I was able to go back to bed and found out the next morning that I did in fact have an infection but I could go home and finish my antibiotics.

I was doing a lot better until about a week later I woke up in the middle of the night in excruciating pain. I took 2 oxycodone and put a heating pad on. 40 minutes later I was still in as much pain as I was when I woke up. My mom decided we should go to the ER just in case. I get to St. Francis in Federal Way and was immediately put on more pain killers. The doctor said he didn't want to do an exam without consulting my doctor so he called her. She said do the pap and get a tissue sample and also do an external ultrasound. The exam was painful (as they always are for me now) but nothing like the ultrasound. She couldn't find my ovaries so she decided to do an internal ultrasound as well. She was moving the camera all around trying to find them. I kept telling her that they had been surgically relocated but she was determined. She never did find them!! After that I was told I needed to be transported by an ambulance to Swedish in Seattle. I looked at my mom and just started laughing, I thought he was kidding! He wasn't.

Basically after I got to Swedish they determined it was the same infection and I just needed a different type of antibiotic. I have now been taking those and my last dose was last night :) I had a final follow up appointment on Thursday and she said everything is looking great. I still need to take it easy and I am not allowed to lift more than 10 pounds for 5 or 6 months but I am on the road to recovery!

My next appointment is not until December. I will still try and keep everyone updated. I can't believe we did it!! We all made it through a tough summer but I am officially on the other side.