Monday, October 15, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Surgery went well :)

I am unofficially in remission!! It is unofficial because I have not had my follow up doctors appointment yet with the pathology report but she seems to think we got it all out.

Healing this time seems to be easier. I am not in as much pain as I was last time although I am staying on top of the drugs better. And the heating pad helps out a lot! My last day in the hospital was a nightmare. The nurses assistant was a total brat. She was rough and had no patience with me. I had to go for a walk before I could leave the hospital and she ended up practically dragging me around. By the time we got back to the room I was in tears and she said "does it hurt?", umm yea, that's why I begged you to stop 3 times! And she dumped out my pee before the nurse could inspect it (there was blood in it but I am not sure if it was from my urine or my surgery) and then told the nurse "she peed, she can go". I was kicked out of the hospital before I was ready. It was 10 am the next morning. They also were not keeping track of my medicines. My nurse kept coming in and saying, how many did she give you? Oh I forgot to write down how many last time. I can't remember the last time I gave you meds... It was a mess, I am lucky I didn't overdose!

I love my doctor but I really don't think I will ever have surgery there again. It was miserable and I was truly happy to be home just to be away from them!

I had some good friends come and see me after I got home home. It was so nice and they brought flowers, brownies, movies, etc. One friend even made me the cutest banner that says stay strong Mallory. We have it hanging in the living room. I love it! I am so blessed to have so many friends during all of this. It has been a true test of faith but I feel stronger from it!

I will keep you all updated on my post op appt. and as of right now I am going to home to AZ on October 22!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited!