Friday, September 14, 2012

Aloha from Maui!

I am currently on vacation with my family. It is so beautiful here! For the first time in a long time I feel completely relaxed.

Now for an update. I finally got in to get my CT Scan. They did not do the contrast IV because I am allergic to it so I just had to drink the nasty smoothie, yuck! The day after my Scan I had a follow up appointment with my Chemo doctor. Even though she wasn't the one who ordered the scan she went over the results with me. She started reading it and then she said that my lungs were still clear (YAY!) and none of my organs showed anything out of the ordinary. She also said that my tumor seems to be the same size as it was for my last CT Scan with a smile. That's great except my last CT Scan was in May before all this started! She looked back and sure enough, my tumor has NOT shrank! I was so bummed when she said that. My heart sank. A whole summer wasted of Radiation and Chemo for nothing!! She could tell I was upset and said that it was still a good thing because it did clear the cancer from the tissue around my cervix and it kept it from growing. She said she would highly recommend a Hysterectomy at this point and since I am already getting one, I am on the right track. I was disappointed but left feeling good because I now know I made the right decision to have the surgery.

3 days later we left for Hawaii. I woke up that morning feeling good but right before we boarded the plane I started bleeding. Not heavily but enough to scare me a little. I decided to wait until we landed to call the doctor because I was going to Hawaii no matter what!! After a 6 hour flight I turned on my phone and had a message waiting. It was from the doctor that ordered the CT Scan. She said she wanted me to call her to discuss my results. At this point I wasn't panicking but a little nervous because she didn't just say everything was fine in the message. After exiting the plane I called her back and realized I was just 5 minutes late. Here in Hawaii it is 3 hours earlier so even though it was only 2:05 there it was 5:05. Ugh.

The next morning I call at 6 am here (9 am there) and ask to speak with the doctor that had called. She was out that day so I decided to call my regular doctor and fill her in, especially because I was bleeding now. They were closed on Tuesday. I felt like I couldn't catch a break! I left a message anyway. About 3 hours later I get a call from one of the nurses. She said "Can you come in today? We need to discuss your CT results." Now I was nervous! I told them I couldn't make it in until at least the 21st. She put me on hold and had another doctor come to the phone. She basically said that because I didn't have the contrast IV they couldn't really tell if there was a new growth or if it just wasn't shrinking. They need me to have a PET Scan when I get home.

Not as bad as I thought. All that worry for nothing!! Yesterday my Chemo doctor called to say my Vitamin B level is extremely low but all I need to do for that is take 1000 mg of B12 a day. That is why my energy hasn't returned. So excited to feel like me again :)

Anyway in the meantime I am enjoying Hawaii very much! Even with this crap going on I am finding it fairly easy to relax!! Aloha!